Saturday, September 30, 2006

You MUST be kidding...

Okay... so doesn't anybody dress up anymore?

Gone are the days when pride in one's appearance is part of the first impression ritual? When did it become the norm to show up for a date (unless you're hiking) in a faded T-shirt with some swirling logo on the front? And sneakers.

Yes, I know we live on the West Coast and by default are laid back, but really - this is getting ridiculous.... I would say in the past 6 months almost every fella I've dated (usually dinner or drinks on a patio) dresses inappropriately for the event, in my opinion. This is truly an epidemic of massive proportions.

Trust me, if I'm going to spend time with you I'll eventually see your repertoire of comfy T-shirts, but it's pretty unlikely you'll ever get to that stage with me if you can't even put on a nice shirt for a first or second date.

It's not like I'm expecting a tuxedo or anything, but even a nice golf shirt and a pair of regular shoes would do the trick. I'm not unreasonable, but I am picky. You will probably never find me inappropriately dressed for any occasion... unless of course you say we're going to the Symphony then change your mind to bowling at the last minute (or heaven forbid, vice versa). I expect the same from the men I date.

Enough said.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

What in heaven's name
am I doing here?

For the first time today, I welled up with tears while talking over lunch with Lawrence. I’ve never done that around him because I thought it would freak him out.

It didn’t.

We were having a wonderful conversation about life’s purpose, and he asked me what it is that I truly want in life. The thing is: I don’t know…

I told him I have no idea, and he said, “Of course you do!”

I leaned forward and whispered, “No, I really don’t…” and that's when it happened.

He smiled, lowered his voice... and suggested I write a list of the things I like and the things I dislike, covering all aspects of life. He said it’s worthwhile even if the LIKE side only listed things like ‘pistachios’ -- at least it would be a start.

Peanut butter. I don’t like peanut butter. Oysters either. Oh man, this isn’t going to be easy….